Cookies are small files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website.
We use cookies to make Payment practices reporting work and collect information about how you use our service.
Find out how to manage cookies from the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Essential cookies
Essential cookies keep your information secure while you use Check when large businesses pay their suppliers. We do not need to ask permission to use them.
Name | Purpose | Expires |
accepted_ga_cookies | Saves your cookie consent settings. | 1 year |
cookie_preferences_set | Lets us know that you’ve saved your cookie consent settings. | 1 year |
csrftoken | Helps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks | 1 year |
session | Used to keep you signed in when publishing a report | 1 hour |
Analytics cookies (optional)
With your permission, we use Google Analytics to collect data about how you use Check when large businesses pay their suppliers. This information helps us to improve our service.
Google Analytics stores anonymised information about:
- how you got to Payment practices reporting
- the pages you visit on Payment practices reporting and how long you spend on them
- any errors you see while using Payment practices reporting
Google Analytics sets the following cookies:
Name | Purpose | Expires |
_ga | This helps us count how many people visit this site by tracking if you’ve visited before | 2 years |
_gid | This helps us count how many people visit this site by tracking if you’ve visited before | 1 day |
_gat | Used to manage the rate at which page view requests are made | 1 minute |